Saturday, March 2, 2013

40 weeks gestationng

Today, we had no errands or places we had to go. My mom came and made breakfast: hash browns and scrambled eggs. She did some chores and signed Josiah's photo mat with a baby blessing. Joel and Mindy came over for a short visit. Josiah and Carter are both getting over runny noses and coughs so they didn't stay long. Their boys are so well behaved and it is always a pleasure to spend time with the Alsworths. Bryan and Joel are planning to attempt some fishing sometime this spring. I hope it actually happens this time. They brought our Josiah a baby gift: cute clothes in various sizes and the boys picked him out a toy car. Mindy also brought some various baby clothes to donate to our stash. He is fairly well outfitted; just a bit more 3-6 month stuff, and he'll be set until 12 months. We hung out at home for the afternoon. We took some photos;mmy 40 week pregnancy photo and Josiah's first growth photo are taken and posted. Bryan worked on cleaning out the garage some. He went with me and Josiah on a walk. I can walk briskly without pain or increased bleeding now (but I am still on ibuprofen). I tested out the Moby wrap and really like it.
Pizza Night was just us, Dad, and Joel. It is sad that Carol is gone. She brought a warmth and excitement to the little gathering. Joel was actually interested in Josiah. He held his hand and enjoyed watching him look around at things. Feeding him at 9 worked out ok with no awkwardness. Over all it has been a good day.

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