Monday, January 14, 2013

Sewing and Prayer day

I got to spend my day sewing and praying. The service I went to Sunday was a challenging service on prayer. The church is doing a "week of prayer" and it was the big kick off. Tonight's house church was from chapter 6 of A.W. Tozer's book "The Pursuit of God", which was all about prayer. Bryan and I were moderators so I went over the chapter 6 times to be sure I knew it well.
The parts that stood out most to me were about how God's word was a spoken word that some men wrote down. His spoken word is living and active. It still speaks today. Also, he mentioned that God created with the spoken word; a very creative one. He mentioned that many people refer to creative arts as works of genius, but Tozer believes that "every good and beautiful thing which man has produced in the world has been the result of his faulty and sin-blocked response the the creative Voice sounding over the earth". Even those works of people who do not serve God are in response to God. I found it interesting that I was being creative while studying and praying about tonight and this chapter. I see God well through his creation and now that I think about it, I feel I express him in my own feeble creations.
Today's creations were 7 decorated prefolds/burp cloths, and 3 flannel covered stay dry pads for the changing table. I also added pictures of the fuzzy blanket I am so proud of. God's creation today was snow! It won't let me post my video, so here's my best picture attempt. The last one is rusty in his favorite place on a cold day.

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