Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go.

I spent the day getting things ready for when labor happens, just in case the baby comes early. All my prep resulted in somehow sending an e-mail that I drafted for when the baby does come. So 18 people got a message that I was in labor. Boy did that cause a 2 hour fuss, but now they are all ready! They know what to expect when it does happen. Lol Sometimes I can be really careful and hit all the right buttons and technology still fails me.
Packing for the hospital was interesting. I am bring all kinds of things I wouldn't normally bring on a trip (mostly pjs, slippers, frameless candles, relaxing music, energy snacks, nipple cream). And I had to pack for 3. What a new experience. I have only 3 bags, and one of them is a breast pump that I was told to bring for practice with nurse supervision.
I set up lists for Bryan to be able to access all information needed to call all the right people and places needed when the time comes and all the stuff needed to check me in at the hospital.
I stopped some auto savings deductions and set up all bills on auto. I still need to do the taxes. I think I'm still missing some papers for that so I can't do them yet.
There are still a few more details I need to take care of, but things are almost ready!

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