Friday, February 15, 2013

38 week doctor visit

My doctor fully supported my decision to not have an internal exam. She said my weight, my vitals, and the babies heart rate are all good predictors of a very uneventful (smooth going) birth. The baby's head is down low in the pelvis. His head can still be wiggled a little bit. The baby's height has dropped 3 cm since last week. These mean he is almost in birth position but not quite. She said that the pinching feelings that I described feeling like a Pap test is the feeling of his head pushing on the back of my cervix. She pit one hand flat and made one a fist and twisted it back and forth on the flat hand. The mental image made me cringe more than the feeling. She seems indifferent about weather I am having regular or irregular contractions so I shall try to remain indifferent about them as well.
I must admit though that all the pressure in my pelvis, the discomfort of a mental type cramping, and contractions coming at regular intervals but painless keep me guessing. Who knows when he will come. I have heard of women talk about such symptoms lasting weeks before they progress to active labor. Just as in the beginning each day is a surprise.
P.S. I was grateful for sunshine, an adjustment& massage, a hair cut at Aveda, 60 degree weather, blooming crocuses, a walk with a friend, a great view of stars, and prayer with Bryan all today.

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