Saturday, May 4, 2013

5/4/13 Catching Up

How quickly I fall out of routine. I spent the last week working hard on projects and house things I've wanted to do. I found out Bryan's parents were going to be coming Thursday, and I felt the pressure of a deadline (rather unnecessarily, but I felt it anyhow), so I got all kinds of things done. I got several things deep cleaned that I had been meaning to clean. We got the whole house cleaned except our bathroom. I cleaned out the mess of a computer cabinet that we have done nothing but stuff unsightly messes into for the last year, if not longer. We got the guest room ready. I got some sewing projects finished and my sewing essentials moved to the formerly mentioned computer cabinet in the living room. We moved all kinds of old wood scraps, rounds in need of chopping, and pallets to the back yard. We started laying the base work for the garden path. We did all kinds of work in one week! In doing all that work, I got out of routine of taking pictures and writing, so here are the things I actually took pictures of and a couple videos of our now very vocal baby!

Sleeping in church. For now this is what we want, 14 years from now, I am sure we will be trying to prevent this.
He was smiling even before Bryan started the mobile, and then yelling when it stopped.


Here is a video of Josiah cooing and smiling at 9 weeks old.


He fits in the bumpo, he's still a little small for it, but he has fairly good neck control in it. Just like tummy time though, just a few minutes and he starts getting really fussy.
Precious early morning cuddle time. Josiah is wiggly active and vocal that he doesn't cuddle much, so I enjoy every second he gives me.
The gravel is down for most of the garden path and I have the base for the first step. We need to do one more step, a little more gravel, then sand, then pavers.
Not very flattering, sorry. I have been so enjoying the company, that I forgot to take any pictures! So this is the only photo proof so far that Grammy and Grampy are here.
I made this wet bag for Nike. I figured I'd better get it finished. Her daughter could be here any day.


Trying out another one of my old PJs. I now have some of Bryan's baby clothes. I am not sure how much of it Josiah will fit into but I may try some if he is in a non fussy mood when it comes to clothes in the near future.


Here is a video of Josiah having a conversation with me about Grammy and Grampy coming. It is really fun at this early age to have two way interaction with him.


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