Saturday, March 30, 2013

Night Shift

I accomplished another 3 mile run on Friday. It's so much more complicated than it used to be. As soon as I started walking to cool down, Josiah decided he was unconsolably hungry. He cried and cried, so I cut my cool down short, walked into the warm house, huffing and puffing and poring sweat, I quickly downed some chocolate milk, pulled my shirt off, sat in front of a fan, and started feeding Josiah. In the midst of that, my legs felt like they would cramp if I didn't stretch, so I sat on the floor stretching my hamstrings, feeding my baby, all while poring sweat. It was a rather awesome moment that I hope to not have to repeat.
Yesterday, when I woke Bryan up at 4:45pm so we could leave to go to Passover by 5:30, he was still really tired. After the Passover celebration with Christy and the Bentley's, we went to my parent's house for the end of pizza night. Bryan fell sound asleep on the couch. It seems short sleep cycles are adding up and making him tired. Today we had plans to help the Johnstons move back to the duplex from downtown. Bryan was asked to help move bigger stuff in the morning and boxes in the afternoon, so he needed to be up by 9 and functional all day. I volunteered to take care of Josiah all night so he could sleep and be functional today. It had been our theory that Josiah wasn't sleeping much at night, but he slept pretty well for me. I got three 2-2.5 hour stretches of sleep. It was better than I hoped for and I was able to go help with the move as well. I ended up spending my day cleaning out Gosall's room and the bathroom. The bathroom took me 3 hours, plus interruptions for food and to feed Josiah. I just let Josiah sleep on the floor, in someone else's arms, or in the Moby wrap while I worked. I am tired, but not as bad as I thought I'd be after so little sleep. Must be because it was just one night and I was caught up on sleep prior to it. Thank God for a sleeping and not too fussy baby.

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