It was a rough night, so I didn't really get moving until 1pm yesterday. I put on some worship music, got Josiah in the sling, and I got all the prepping done for my sewing projects that were due to be finished today. (I did finish them with some help from Bryan taking over the sewing when Josiah needed to be fed again. I love that he's good with the sewing machine!) I really like the sling for Josiah, unless I have to do much bending or raising my arms. If I do those things, he slips down so low that it puts his chin on his chest and he can't breath very well. Once my projects were finished, I delivered things for Nike's shower to Katie's house. We did a little prep work and grocery shopping. Katie is really doing most of the work. I don't know how she does it with a fussy, teething, crawling, curious boy. She is rapidly becoming wonder mom.
I should mention that I did all my shower shopping, except for fabric, on-line. I like to shop while feeding Josiah and have it delivered to my door a couple days later. Much easier that going to multiple stores with a one month old baby.
Pizza with my parents was nice. Josiah slept just long enough for me to eat before he woke up hungry. Mom held him after he ate, so I got to do some crocheting while we all watched "Hugo".
I got to bed, with prayer and all, before midnight. It would have been later had I tried to write this blog.
I am pretty proud that I went to bed with 18oz of milk in the fridge. I worked hard to build that up. I sacrificed my time for myself to pump enough to have such a supply. If I keep going I might not have to pump so religiously when I go back to work, which would be really nice.
Bryan stayed up and took care of Josiah while I slept. He didn't really need to though. Josiah slept from midnight to 4 and from 4 to 7. Maybe we are approaching a good time to start a bed time routine.
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