Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's Friday, Friday, Friday

I have had that annoying teenybopper "Friday" song stuck in my head all day, except for when I was carrying Josiah in the Moby wrap, then I had that You Tube parody that Nike posted a while back, "Wear Your Baby", to the tune of "Call Me Maybe".
I got up after Josiah's 7:30 feeding today. I made steel cut oats in the crock pot, and while I waited for that, I prepped to make ginger chicken, made myself some healthy snacks, and started diaper laundry. Josiah was on the kitchen floor on a quilt. He hung out on his stomach and his back. He fell asleep there, eventually. After I gave him his 10:30 meal, I took a shower. When I came out Bryan was up with Josiah. He must have fussed enough to get Bryan out of bed.
I got some shopping done today. I took Josiah with me and we went to the "Pass It On" sale, met Bryan for Sushi, and went to Costco. (Bryan is concerned that Josiah has been in 2 sushi restaurants in his first month of life, but not to any steakhouses.) It feels good to be stocked with a month's worth, or more, of good food, and to have a plan and motivation to cook it!
I took a nice 3 mile walk with Christy. Josiah was pretty fussy near the end. I felt bad for him because he had to wait for 15 minutes to get home to eat, and for Christy, who had to listen to him fuss most of the way home.
We went early to pizza night and enjoyed time with Twi and Jason, as well as with my parents and Joel.
I am beyond tired. I am wishing I took a nap today. Maybe I'll remember this feeling and plan for more time for rest next time.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to help. I'm pleased Josiah has been to two sushi places, but I'm all for taking him to Rib City if ya'll have the energy to drive out this way. =)
