Last night was an improvement, so I guess we will continue this half and half thing. This time I am trying to get to bed earlier.
Josiah didn't cry so much when attempting tummy time. It may be helping; his neck seems stronger. Bryan was holding him earlier, and he had his head up and was looking all around.
I did three loads of laundry today. I really should do a load every day, so I don't ever have to do three. I am seriously contemplating going through my clothing and limiting myself to one weeks worth, to see if I like the simplicity of it. It would probably help me get the laundry done without waiting so long.
I am also trying to decide when I want to get serious about healthy eating, exercise, and losing the 15lbs I gained with Josiah. I've weighed myself several times since his birth, and I am down to 140 lbs. So, I gained 30lbs with pregnancy, and I lost 15 with birth. I am back to where I was when I made the weight loss bet with Bryan. There are so many things to possibly change. Now, I need to decide if I do it all at once, since I've lived that way before, or if I start one at a time.
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