At one month, Josiah has already changed more than I expected. He has different cries for being hungry, sleepy, over-stimulated, and for discomfort. All of them will morph into one very angry cry if not resolved quickly. He is able to control his head rather well and holds it up all the time. He is 50% weaned off the nipple guard. I think in another week he'll be weaned from the other side. He spits up if he eats too much too fast. As long as it takes more than 30 minutes to get the right amount of milk, there is very little spit up. He likes his diaper changes, but doesn't like his clothes being put back on. He likes the Moby, the Beco, and slings. He doesn't mind his car seat. He likes the rumbles of the truck. The "5 S's"still work great to stop his crying. He loves being swaddled. He looks intently at high contrast books, and will track if you move them around. He likes to look in the mirror. If given the option he prefers to look at Mama over Papa. He is a milkaholic, and will eat as much as he is given. He will take a bottle (even if it's cold) or breast feed. He is still learning to keep a pacifier in his mouth, but he really likes them. He likes music and dancing (his whole body, not his arms moved to music). He hates his arms being messed with. He hates cold hands. He already weighs 9lbs, as best we can weigh at home. He turns his head to my voice. He even smiles sometimes. It is very rewarding to watch him grow and change.
We got the link to his newborn album, so here it is:!i=2419327247&k=NS4KJt4
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