Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rest day

I want to say I didn't do anything today. It sure feels like I didn't. Well, I didn't leave the house. I did't do anything active in the house. I didn't finish putting away Christmas ornaments. I did't exercise. I didn't make any crafts.
What did I do? Sleep in till 9, read blogs, talk to the providence maternity nurse who calls every month or two, organize my iTunes music into play lists and update my old phone into a baby tool. The phone now has a baby friendly playlists, children's books and baby game apps loaded and ready for use. It took all day. I wish electronics did't take so much set up time to be useful! But, it's done and I can cross it off my list. I guess I got a rest day before some busy days, since the tasks of the day didn't feel very demanding.


  1. Let's see, it is Thursday morning at 9, and I am reading your report on the finished day. :-)

    1. Because I posted it after midnight it recorded today's date, not yesterday's.
