Bryan and I've been reading this book called Husband Coached child birth, the Bradley method. It is to help us work together as a team to try for an un-medicated birth. It has me doing interesting exercises every day and all day. Kegals, which I expected. I actually have been remembering to do them regularly too, which I have never done before no mater how much I was told how good they are for this and that. Sitting cross legged on the floor whenever not socially unacceptable. Squatting instead of bending. Sleeping on my side with top leg up and over. Something called pelvic rock. And some resistance exercise where from sitting I have to pull my legs app dry. So far I am doing them at least once a day at night. Sometimes more especially on non work days. I sure hope they help! I really want an unmediated non interventional birth.
Kegels are really hard to remember to do, which is silly cause they're really easy. I've had to do the pelvic rock pretty regularly (when I was shown how to do that was when Jason fell in love with our midwife) cause of the sciatic nerve pain. I'm so happy to hear you're both finding the book useful. I believe in your ability to have the birth you want!
ReplyDeleteI am successfully remembering Kegals at least once a day. I usually remember them when I am sitting cross legged on the floor.