Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How do I blog about a work day?

I didn't really want to get up today. That's usually how I feel about a work day. I was awake by the time I got to the car. The roads were clear which was a blessing. Daily audio bible started over at the beginning. I think that was my 3rd time through!
Work turned out good. I had a good patient group. They were hard enough to keep moving but not so hard that I got behind. One patient even told me how nice I was and that I was good at my job!
After work we went to the Higley's to hang out. They were having a marathon of a TV show I don't really watch because I find it crass. I got to talk to Terry about her Mediterranean cruse. She also spoke highly of Greece. Some day, I think I want to go there. Laura and Terry worked out baby shower details and guest list. I am so thankful Laura is planning a shower for my mom and BNC folk separate from the shower that Kisha is hosting. It was good to be with them. I need to talk to and hang out with them more. I realized today that I almost never instigate getting together with them. I should.
I find myself thinking about the best and worst of 2012.
Worst: depression over thinking I could not get pregnant, back injury that prevented my running Epic relay and general sloppiness with the house and the bills, slipping friendship with Mel, Bryan's crazy rash from job switch to being a chimney sweep, all my friends going through seriously painful crap all at once!
Best: trip to havasupi, getting pregnant with just one round of fertility treatment and IUI, baby is a boy, running during pregnancy is working, trail 600 trip around Mt. Hood with a 20 lb or less pack fully loaded with food, getting to know Katie and Ethan, Laura and Nike are pregnant at the same time as me!
Some pictures of the best and worst in. 2012.


  1. 2012 was a crazy rough year. 2013 is looking brighter every day. So happy to be on this journey with you!

  2. I am just working on enjoying every day I am given. A wise pharmacist that I work with said about parenting "The days go by slow, even drag by, the the years fly by and get away from you, so choose to enjoy every day."
