Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Bryan and I called his parents tonight. Sounds like all kinds of baby things are going on in the extended family. Several of his cousins are expecting new babies this year. One ended up having a miscarriage. :'(
We also found out that Edwina no longer plans to fly up here around our due date. She wants to drive with Bob. He evidently has a lot of plans for the whole month of March. It sounds like they don't really know when they will come. I feel more confident now how to make plans. I can set up the care calendar and my parents and people around can sign up for meals and help with house cleaning and that way we can show off our little boy one family at a time and everyone can help and nobody will be a stepping on anyone else's toes.
I guess I am just a planner and I like to know what is going to happen or at least what to expect so I can make plans. I am totally ok with them not working out the way I expect them to as long as I get to make my plans. Probably because with each plan I run through back up and contingency ideas so that when things change I feel like plan B was at least an informed decision. So hears to planning for my plans to change.

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