Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nursery Photo Tour

The nursery is done minus one picture (the top panoramic above the changing area). It is fully child proof. Everything our child could get to is either bolted down or safe for him to have. All electric outlets are equipped with sliding covers. When the outlets are in use, we have cord protectors. The lower level of- and eventually, when he can reach, the whole- book shelf is set up with things he can have and play with. The full length mirror has a towel bar across it to practice standing. We put blue sheer fabric on the ceiling just because we had it and it looks cool, and babies stare upward a lot. The mobile will change. Currently the black and white one is set up in the bassinet/co sleeper in our room.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! are you not using a crib? And I love the mirror with the bar. :)
