Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I get a lot of comments at work about me being pregnant. I get a few congrats but it seems to have moved beyond that. Now I get more comments that fall into one of two categories ether: oh you are much too pregnant to... let someone else do that for you, or you can't really be that far along you're so small. Today I had a patient refuse to allow me to help her scoot up in bed. I was too pregnant for that. She insisted two other people do it for me. Many people don't want me to pick things up off the floor. I am evidently also too pregnant to take the stairs. This all seems weird to me because none of it hurts me. My doctor says I can keep working. I have no limit that says I can't lift or am disabled in any way. Oh well. Six more work days and then I'll be around just people used to me doing all kinds of crazy things.
I also got several comments in amazement at how I can't be just about 38 weeks along because I am so small. I guess having a long torso is a blessing so my baby doesn't stick out a ton. Also, I was slender to start with and have gained 30lbs, the middle of the range of suggested weight gain.
All this also seems like it should be normal but I guess it's not. I do accept the compliments. I can't say I haven't worked hard to stay a healthy weight and strong. I could have made some better food choices here and there and I could have exercised a little more here and there but overall I worked pretty hard to have just a bulging belly and the strength and stamina to still be able to work. I guess I need to take it all as compliments to my hard work even when it is someone trying to talk me out of continuing.

1 comment:

  1. People are funny. Jason and I were just talking how you blossomed overnight it seems. We're totally okay with you doing whatever you feel comfortable doing. Jason keeps hearing the, "I didn't know she was pregnant" or "she's that far along?!" and I'm not sure if that's a compliment to my hard work or if people just thought I am getting really fat.
