Monday, June 3, 2013

6/2/13 Church and a Baby Birthday Party.

We went to church just down the road from Cliff's place. The church has out grown it's building so much that they meet both indoors and outdoors and has three Sunday morning services. 
The sermon was on faith and was pretty good. I was distracted because Josiah was hungry and I tried to nurse him during service. He was really fussy and kept latching and detaching. I think now that he was too hot under the nursing cover. 
We had a nice crab lunch when we got home. Elijah had been really excited about and then discovered that we had to break the shell to eat it and became quite upset. He got all excited again though after he tasted it and when we were able to leave the too shells in tact. He got over the fact that we broke open all the legs and pinchers. 
After lunch I went with Yo Nd Elijah to a birthday party for a 1 year old. The first birthday is traditionally a bigger deal than birth in Hawaii because their birth to 1 year survival rate didn't used to be very good. It was huge, probably 75 people were there. The whole family including extended family, all the friends and all the coworkers of both parents were there. It was sure different than any other 1 year old birthday party I have ever been to. 

Yo playing with Josiah. 
They provided a lot of food. There was grilled chicken, ribs, Hawaiian pork spare ribs. There were also a lot of side dishes and appetizers that people had brought. There was papaya and pineapple that I loved. All of it was delicious. I ate second lunch, dessert and dinner while I was there. 
We took Josiah to a small inlet part of the ocean and put his feet in the water. He didn't seem to mind much when he got used to the temperature. The water is tons warmer than in Oregon but is still cool like a swimming pool not warm like bath water. 
He did get upset when I sat him down in it, so we quit and changed his clothes so he could be warm. 
Yo took me back to Cliff's around 6. This is the beautiful sunset that we saw tonight! 

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