Last night was the first night we tried having Josiah sleep in his room without us. I had read that the best time to transition from a cosleeper to separate rooms is 6-8 weeks after birth. Today marks 6 weeks so I decided this was a good time to give this a try. I changed his diaper before nursing and put his pajamas on him at about 9pm. I read to him and rocked him in the rocking chair until he fell asleep. We put one of the extenders to Josiah's mattress under the head portion so that is would elevate his head. It really helps with his fussiness and digestion if he doesn't lay flat for 45 minutes after eating.
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Angled bed |
I wanted to feed him before I went to sleep. I figured he'd wake up in 3 hours and be hungry like usual, but not this time. I finished everything I wanted do to before bed, even pumped all but what Josiah would eat, and he was still sleeping, so I woke him up, which took 10 minutes and a diaper change to achieve. Then I let him nurse himself back to sleep while reading to him. I laid him down with no trouble and went to bed. Much to our surprise and delight Josiah slept from 12:45pm to 5:30am! Bryan gave him a bottle and he slept again until 8am. What a blessing! We both got to sleep at the same time and actually got a good amount of sleep! We don't really expect this to happen every time, but at least occasionally would be wonderful!
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Sleepy Baby |
Most of the day we just relaxed and played with Josiah. I did get his clothes sorted to incorporate some new things given to us, pulled out what no longer fits, and planned for what we still need to purchase before summer. Bryan got the garage straightened up a bit and his truck cleaned out some. We both enjoyed a nice walk after it stopped raining.
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Nice walk |
Josiah was awake most of the time. His head control is good enough that I can fold down the support and let him look around. He wasn't interested in looking on our last walk, he just stared at me until he fell asleep. Today, he was craning his head all around to look at everything.
He stayed awake for about 30 minutes then started crying, but I got him calmed with the pacifier, and soon after he fell asleep.
We made a nice dinner, watched some HGTV show about small houses, and read some more of the book we've been reading together. It's been a lovely day. How nice that it all started with good sleep!
So happy the transition went smoothly the first night. Here's to many more!